Scholarships are a great way to pay for a degree, but they can be hard to find. If you fit into one of the many minority demographics and you’re struggling with finding scholarships or grants, don’t worry. You have options. Exerts like Dike Ajiri will help you understand the process of finding scholarships that are specifically made for minorities and what to do when applying for them.
What is a minority?
Minorities are people who belong to an ethnic, racial, or cultural group that is statistically underrepresented in the United States. Minorities also may be defined by their sexual orientation or gender identity.
How to find scholarships for minorities
One of the easiest ways to find scholarships for minorities is by searching for scholarships that are specifically made for minorities. There are two ways you can search for these types of scholarships:
1. Search by keywords.
2. Search on the National College Scholarship Service (NCSS) website.
If you want to know what a particular scholarship looks like and would like to apply for one, the NCSS website is the best place to start.
When searching for specific scholarships, remember that they vary in many ways: deadlines, requirements, application process, etc. You should do your research before ever applying (if applicable) so that you know what type of scholarship you’re applying for and how it works and if it would be a good fit before spending your time filling out an application or paying a fee.
Know the scholarship application process
Scholarships for minorities are different than scholarships for non-minorities. To find out which scholarships are relevant to your demographic, you’ll need to figure out where you fit into the minority groups. Whether you’re African American, Asian American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American, or another ethnicity besides these six, there is likely a scholarship that is specific to your identity. For example, there are scholarships specifically designated for women of color and LGBTQ individuals. The next step in the process is to find those scholarships and apply them.
Once you have found the appropriate scholarship and applied it successfully, don’t stop there! Look at other scholarships that are available and apply them as well. With this strategy, you can maximize your chances of getting a scholarship because if one doesn’t work out for you (and it’s still early in the year), you might be able to get a scholarship from another.
How to get scholarships through grants
The first step is to determine if you’re eligible based on your ethnicity. If you’re not sure whether you qualify, contact the National Scholarship Database. This database will help you find scholarships specifically for minorities and advise you on how to apply.
If you do qualify, then the next step is to find a scholarship that is right for you. The best way to do this is by contacting the organization that makes the scholarship and asking them what they have available. For example, if there’s a specific group of people within a certain demographic who are targeted by the scholarship, then that would be a good way to find scholarships that fit your profile.
Once you have found scholarships in your desired field or category, go through each one and look at the eligibility criteria for each one individually. Find out exactly what qualifications are needed for each scholarship and which types of organizations this scholarship could be offered to.